Sunday, September 1, 2013

September blog-a-day challenge starts NOW

So. It's September. Tomorrow, Labor Day, hits me hard - because that's when pools used to close when I was a little kid (and I assume they still close, I just don't visit them anymore since I live by a million lakes).

Bummer. Summer tends to rush by way faster than winter in my world.

To fight the summer-is-over sadness, my plan is to, of course, busy myself with something. Hence: A blog a day for the month. Some people do that ALL.THE.TIME. It shouldn't be that hard, but sometimes days get away from me. So this should be a fun challenge.

Things on the plate for the month: you think I'm going to tell you? Silly reader. You have to just put me on your feed or something. I recommend it. Bloglovin, that is.

Until tomorrow.

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