Saturday, September 14, 2013

California coastal wanderings (as far as we can get in 4 days)

Finishing a whirlwind day of work in which the Tioga Pass finally opened after the Rim Fire caused its closure for weeks, I have done absolutely NO packing for our trip tomorrow and haven't sleep solidly in four days.

Why? Because cute little Maxdog's month-long miserable rash caused need for puppy steroids, which, turns out, makes dogs thirsty (humans too, I guess), leading to urination. A LOT of urination. Morning and nighttime urination. Carpet, blanket, sidewalk, dirt mounds, pretty much everywhere there is pee. Buckets of it.

Anyway... my point is that we are going to Half Moon Bay tomorrow and I'm going to sleep. I will keep everyone updated with LOTS OF EXCITING FOOD PHOTOS (jk only slightly), scenery and pretty much everything else.

Until tomorrow!

Check it out! A photo that I certainly didn't take, of a place I've yet to go. But I hope it looks like Mono Lake, I mean, this. Yey! Photo courtesy of Josh Cripps

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