Thursday, October 29, 2009

Meditative motion

I was reminded by a friend that some of you whom I do not see day in and day out may want an actual life update and not just religious musings. Hence, this extravagantly snowy day seems ample to type an update of sorts.

Still working for my father's asphalt company has finally reaped rewards as the snow falls. Seasonal work on a salary doesn't get much better in Colorado, where climbing, running, etc. can still be done in the winter. However, office work in general has me antsy ... which was more than to be expected when taking this position. Luckily two dear friends of mine, Chase and Johnny, and I are planning to travel the world come next August when our leases expire. We've been saving for 3 or 4 months and have 9 more to go. We are planning on buying tickets in a month or so. I have NOT spilled the beans to the parental units yet, (although the can of beans will be spilled this week) but I'm hoping dad lets me keep my job until I leave, under the threat of me moving back into the basement unemployed, indefinitely.

Our hopes are to take a year for the trip (or until funds expire), however the list of visits has not been finalized by any means at this point. All three of us are climbers so undoubtedly there will be some scaling of rocks. If anyone has contacts anywhere remotely interesting, please send them to me because we would love to save money anywhere we go by crashing on floors and helping out any way we can in return.

I plan on taking a yoga teacher training course in February and toting my yoga mat with me around the world, learning and teaching yoga wherever possible. The inspiration for this element of the trip came from the complete and euphoric end that comes from yoga, tied with the realization that Corepower yoga in Boulder is certainly not close to the deepest spirituality one can experience in the practice. Additionally, I'm hoping that this is a way to meet people of similar interests in different cultures. Perhaps it will be a common ground on which to compare beliefs and practices all over the world, not to mention that in my experience, I generally learn more when teaching.

Prior to leaving I am also hoping to get involved with Kimmy's House, an orphanage in Hyderabad, India that my dad visited last year. The founders of the orphanage are friends of my parents and started the orphanage after visiting India and seeing a need for housing and care of disabled children. They are also starting a similar orphanage in Haiti, and I would love to help out in both place if at all possible. It is so easy for trips of this manner to be self-centered and all about my personal experience, but I am going to make an effort to give of myself as much as possible.

Realizing that I have huge hopes and quite a lot of plans for this trip, I am also going into the whole thing knowing I will have to be extremely flexible and patient and let things happen. Being 23 years old and not tied down, this is an opportune time for travel of this sort. I welcome any advice, encouragement, thoughts and prayers.

Other than this trip which has become the inspiration to go to work every day, the only other updates are: I'm not climbing as much as I used to, which is sad in more ways than one. I am working one night a week at the Spot (climbing gym), reading a ton, painting, running and doing yoga with Domonique about six days a week. Johnny is living in my basement with me (I have the bedroom and he has made what used to be my "study" into his room, which has worked out well) so all four of us in the house are only paying $300 a month for rent, which in Boulder, is ridiculously cheap. I'm happy, but ready to explore. Boulder is getting small and as much as I love it, I have begun to realize how much of a bubble it really is.

I think that should sum it all up. I would love to get updates from those of you I haven't spoken with in a while.

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