Wow. Echinacea Meditacea is old. Like, really old. I'm not even a hippie climber anymore. In fact, I run now.
I'm also getting old (evidenced by my wrinkles, surly attitude, and desire to sit at a desk and work).
To reflect life changes, and to enable easier blog-finding, I'm moving. Not physically (I'm still sitting in my fluffy white bed).
Please find my sass and biting wit at my new blog
May I even suggest that you follow on Bloglovin? It's way easier, and you may even find someone else smarter that takes better photos than I.
Black.White.and.Reading will consist of the following delightful tidbits:
a) What I'm reading, with full, unabridged commentary. Books, news, blogs, Vogue (duh)... you get the pic.
b) Lifestyle sh**. Yes, you should be using coconut oil all the FRIKIN time. It should be smothered all over your body, and in your hair. Want to know why? Read up. On my new blog.
c) Tutorials on hair/makeup/general classiness with my dear friend and stylist Misha.
d) Opinions. Lots of them.
Throw in some fashion, what we're wearing, zero talk about the weather, and maybe some photos of my dog, wrap it up in some tissue paper and tie it down with raffia, and you've got the new BWR!
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