Monday, July 22, 2013

A mother's labor

So. I've been a terrible blogger lately, and although my bundle of excuses are totally and completely valid, you all probably would still judge me. Please accept my apology.

My sister got married in June, so Clif and I went back to Colorado and hit peak garden flower season - or at least it seemed that way, since we live in sage/grey/granite/pine world.

My Mommasita (she is really little, so it's okay to call her that), spends copious amounts of time cultivating her multiple gardens and I couldn't resist taking photos and posting them, albeit a bit late...

We grew up with chickens - usually 7-9 at a time.
My cousin recently "remodeled" the outside coop.
The barn came with the house when my parents bought it, when I was maybe 4.

I grew up with a playhouse. A playhouse with electricity, glass windows, a porch, and a loft.
... Grandpa retired early, and there were 5 girls in our family. So. There.

Oh, well hello there cowboy.

I didn't enhance this photo. That's real pink.
Those seat covers are NOT real zebra. Just Mommasita glam.

This rose bush was the size of my first house.
Quite literally the height of the garage roof.
Shit just doesn't grow like that in the Eastern Sierra.

This tree was once the same height as my 6-year-old self.
How cool is that?
Shade is cool.

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