Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Whole Paycheck rant

Often I find myself wondering which came first, the Spot (bouldering gym) or the Whole Foods on Pearl St., conveniently located directly en route to my condo from the gym, and vise-versa.
Regardless... my name is Jessica and I am a Whole Foods addict.
I don't know when it started, but I can pin point the addiction to some time in the late summer months of 2008. Mostly this problem can be blamed, lovingly of course, on my bff who has dragged me down this slippery slope of healthy despair.

It's just SO easy. Here's how one gets stuck spending at least half of every paycheck at Whole Foods: After sitting in front of a computer all day, I practically strip clothes off as I run down the stairs to throw on running/climbing/hiking clothes to enjoy the last bit of sun. If the sun is already M.I.A., it's off to the climbing gym without fail. All of the socializing and the little bit of climbing for several hours really works up a hunger. But, looking at a large collection of extremely fit people doesn't bode well for burger joints. Therefore, making my own food is a much better choice ... or so it seems.
Whole Foods is literally a hop, skip and a jump away from the gym, and it has become a social hot spot for *ahem* Spot-goers when they can't possibly climb anymore but need yet more social interaction with the same group of people. Of course, I can't judge.
So, a simple, "Let's grab a Kombucha at Whole Foods" turns into, "The ten of us are going to Whole Foods and we're going to wander around for 30 minutes, sample everything we can find, not only buy dinner for tonight, but also pick up a few things. Maybe we can eat there too? Maybe think about the other things we forgot to get while we are eating so we can go in for round two?" You think I'm kidding, but this discussion has actually happened. Probably.
The real killer is that it is very possible to shop daily at Whole Foods and still starve to death. How is this possible, you ask? It's simple. Whole Foods is just SO big that it is easy to get overwhelmed and very excited about everything this wonderland has to offer the healthy-lifestyle-loving Boulderite. I often leave there, spending upwards of $40, with some protein powder mix (forgetting the milk to mix it in), organic hamster food, some eucalyptus face wash, a bar of XOXO chocolate with orange bits (delicious by the way) and a bag of celery. Now, as I'd love nothing more than to live on orange chocolate, one bar just won't cut it, and I hear celery actually has less calories than are necessary to eat it.
So there you have it. Because of Whole Foods, I am poor AND hungry. Neither trouble has anything to do with the economy, just the addicting natural food grocery store on my way home from the gym.

1 comment:

David said...

Only in Boulder, but this is also why Boulder has a fond place in my heart.