Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The anniversary that isn't

What do you say to someone on the anniversary to which you did not make it?
It is a strange place to be hit with such a date right in the midst of getting over that thing which the date so well signifies. If the relationship is no longer, the date is then just a date. So one is then left mourning the loss of the importance of a date, along with the loss of the relationship. In essence, on this particular "non-anniversary" it is bound to rain throughout the day, someone will ruin your vanilla latte when you need it most, your car will break down, the birds will most definitely not sing and you will be alone. Very alone.
Fortunately, these circumstances will then allow you to instead remember this date as the worst day of your life as opposed to the date when you would be showered with flowers, gifts, sex and candy. Oh, and romance.
What does not kill us makes us stronger, what does not impregnate us saves us from stretchmarks and... candy makes you fat, so it's good that there is none of that too.
But this just leads back to the first question: what do you say? The smart choice is to leave it be, let the damned be damned and move on. There are quite a few other days in the year that promise to be much more pleasant. However, it would be comforting to have someone else as miserable as oneself on the other line, mourning the date as well.
How pathetic, right? What is in a date, anyway?

Note: I now realize that this post sounds inspired by madness along the likes of stream of consciousness queen Virginia Woolf. However, because I am sounding slightly depressed is no reason to lock me in a room and put me on bed rest as they did to Ms. Woolf, may she rest in peace.

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