Saturday, August 23, 2008

Breeding Intolerance, wife abuse and arranged marriages

The (mostly) unspoken battle of religion rages on in my house. I continue to appease my parents and regularly attend church services of the southern baptist kind, but it is increasingly more difficult to stay put in my pew with some of the things that the adored pastor spews from the pulpit.
I've been surprised several weeks in a row: all sermons have been somewhat centered around political views and how the church should vote in the next presidential election. A few weeks ago, the topic surrounded tolerance, and why it was a bad thing. Those of us hippies that want to hold hands, sing "Kum-by-ah" around the campfire are INSANE! How could we actually accept that others have their own view and that it might *gasp!!* be different from our own. Conclusion: we must blow them up and vote McCain.
Last Sunday, the sermon looked to be on the right foot, and then that foot slipped off a ledge and the whole sermon slipped down an icy crevasse, never again to see the light of day. The topic? Family structure. Of course, the pastor began by warning us that he was not going to be politically correct, because you can't change your beliefs in order to not hurt the feelings of "the fallen." I believe there is a difference between not being politically correct and being an asshole, but that can be argued otherwise I suppose... So, in a lavish explanation of the age-old "children should obey their parents," Pastor slips in that wives should submit to their husbands, no matter how stupid their husbands are or how incapable they are to actually run the family because that is how the Bible says we should run our families. Now, if this does not scream, "Abuse your wife- you can!" I don't know what does. Talk about empowering men and setting women back a hundred years. We may as well be fundamental LDS and let the husbands have more than one wife to do their bidding.
Oh, and last thing. Arranged marriages: still okay according to the pastor. He referenced his recent trip to India, talking to a girl who told him that she would only marry a man that her parents picked for her, and even if she did not love him, she would obey her parents. I don't know about anyone else, but if I were to only marry a person that my parents picked for me, I would be up the proverbial Shit Creek with no paddle, and a foot washing Baptist husband.
The thing that started this rant happened before I even had my morning cup of tea. I had brought home a free "enjoy the outdoors" publication, and on the back page was a quote by Aldous Huxley, "My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing." Underneath, my mother wrote, Ask what your heavenly father thinks about it. Thanks mom, I think I'll go ponder that, in the mountains.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Why echinacea?

There are certain 'truths' in life that are thrust upon us from a very early age. Many are grown-ups' hilarious, witty tricks or explanations for the complexities of the world that later get placed in a child's scrapbook only to be laughed at again by that parent and an uncomfortable boyfriend 10 years down the road. Often, these 'truths,' which I place in quotes as many of them are not in fact truths at all, lead to generally horrific outcomes. The severity of the outcome may not be realized until much later, and can come in the form of physical or psychological devastation. Usually the latter in my experience.
Some such circumstances I can look back on and laugh. One primo example: my mother didn't find it appropriate for my sisters and me to use the word "fart." I've found it normal in many families for children to use "toot" or something slightly more fruity to replace the oh-so-earth-shattering fart. However, my mother and her sister decided to tell my cousins, sisters and me that the action of passing gas through our bottoms was "sparting." All was fine and dandy for awhile, because our circle of "sparters" was tight-knit, and comfortable. Sadly, this all had to end when the first one of us broke out of that circle, tried to use "spart" and was harshly laughed back to the Spartans.Needless to say, I still feel awkward saying the word fart in front of my mother, but have gotten over the brunt of that one.
So, why "Echinacea Meditacea?"
Whenever we (my five sisters or I) would start to get sick, my mom would automatically, without any hesitation whatsoever, say, "Take some Echinacea!" while running toward the fridge where she stored the vile of concentrated amber liquid. A few dropper-fulls would go into a small glass of orange juice if we were lucky, luke-warm water if we weren't (why the water couldn't be cold, I have yet to figure out). Since I can remember, for most ailments, Echinacea was the answer. I've even noticed myself telling my friends to take it when they are coming down with something. I take it loyally, and will probably continue taking it, even after finding out the truth. The thought of mom's cure is comforting, but that's about it.
Studies have shown (check anywhere) that Echinacea, while potentially easing the symptoms of a cold and maybe shortening its duration, does absolutely nothing. In fact, it shouldn't be used if you have any of a long list of ailments, are preggo or nursing, etc. While pure Echinacea does have its benefits, the modern supplements on sale in most grocery and vitamin stores aren't very good, some have been found to be tainted, actually. So, the modern-day consumer is left with a lot of research before them if they want to find a pure supplement that will actually aid them. If they slack and go with what the commoner is doing/advising, they could get stuck with tainted pills that will make them worse-off than before. But with careful searching and patience, the benefits of Echinacea can be realized and result in the betterment of life, which is what most of us strive for in one way or another, correct?
With this picture painted, I realize how many times this parable plays out throughout our 'education days.' How many things do we believe simply because someone has told us that it is the way, the truth (and the light?)? I grew up believing there was a god because that's what we learned every Sunday. But I want to start exploring my thoughts on these things in the reverse manner than how they were fed to me. Thoughts and evidence first, conclusions and 'grand statements of being' last. Not simply religion, as if religion could ever be simple, but this applies to all aspects of life and how we go about leading it.
I rarely take time to meditate on the why in my world. I've come to a crossroad in life; one in which I would normally be reaching for the proverbial Echinacea, but in finding that it doesn't work, more exploring needs to occur to get me back. Therefore, Echinacea Meditacea is my mindset for the time being... until all of the pieces are put back into their rightful places or brutally chucked at random to god(s) know where.